MODELS: Below are the current models available in the UK


Le Seyde




Ray 1

Ray 2



Each time a new one is over. Over yonder. I think that single-minded move. One of fulfillment get to the summit, however, gone tomorrow. Go even higher. So his way over for the continued though. "Excel". YUDANERU spirit of my car.走りたくないlife is the same person. Who's not. Ask for my own happiness.囚われるera without the Joneses without it. 's Own aesthetic dictates just wrestle, run. "Excel". YUDANERU aspirations of my car. Again, age, the boy remain.出よjourney.解き放てmind. Fresh air to the brain and sink into蘇っcome. Beyond the day-to-day is a much more relaxed. The boy's heart is as full of adventure. "Excel". YUDANERU freedom of my car. Challenge. The dream destination. And the mountains, valleys. Road is not flat. But his挑むべき. As long as my aim, without having to succumb to the difficulties face forward. Now the dream is still on the way.見つめるon making the utmost efforts. "Excel". YUDANERU my life to the car.